When I put up a question box on my instagram story for a “ask me anything” I can expect to receive several questions about how I make creative choices or defeating art block. It’s a pretty common question any creative person has towards other creatives. We can all relate to feeling stuck on a work in progress or having our minds feel empty and blank when we pick up our tools. In fact, it is a very normal and human thing to not constantly be creative. Our minds need rest and it takes time to process thoughts and concepts. Life does not always allow us the mental capacity, depending on our situations, to do even this. We live in a time where we feel pressured to constantly shit-out new material and new products; to post every day or multiple times a day on social media just to keep followers engaged with our content and feed into our impostor syndrome. So I wanted to take this time to say “chill the fuck out” and share some thoughts, ideas, and tips on combating art block and creative pressures.
First off, if for any reason you are thinking “Wellll I’m not an artist and certainly don’t feel like I am creative,” do me a favor and splash yourself with some cold water to wake your ass up. We are ALL creatives. You don’t have to call yourself an artist- maybe that feels like it carries too much weight- but don’t you dare think you can’t call yourself a creative. We have to allow ourselves this identity regardless if we feel worthy of it or not.
To create, to construct- it’s inherit in our nature as living beings. It’s hard to take on a title like this because we want to compare our abilities to others. I do this constantly! I scroll on twitter and think my art looks like sewage compared to others. But the key is to be aware that we think this and fight ourselves (like imaginary mini you slapping imaginary mini doubtful you). Just like it takes practice to learn how to throw a ball (or pipe silicone onto a phone case and have it actually look nice) it takes practice to confront our doubting selves. We have to call ourselves out on our own bullshit
Your art is not bad because you think someone is better than you! Be cheerleader for yourself and others. Encourage each other to keep going and keep growing! And don't think this means you or others have to lie and say you think such and such art is good. It's about supporting each other “you’re work keeps getting better!” or “This aspect is done really well- keep at it!” and so on. Encouragement of others and yourself is the water and sunshine that helps the seeds of creativity bloom. I also think it's an important reminder while reading this that we can experience any kind of mental block, not just art block. Feelings of unease and not sure of what to do are common daily occurrences.Personally there are days where it becomes difficult and frustrating to read and comprehend text. I can read a work email 15 times and it does not make sense to me. Getting stuck means you need to break free- which is easier said than done.
From my experience there are two main ways to combat “the block”. The first is to stop what you are doing to “break free” of the current task. Switching over to something else that's easier or takes a different level of skill or energy. This is something that Jamie of Magic Circle does as well and shared with me.
“When I have art block I like to work in a different medium. Like for instance I’ve not had any ideas for making new pins or anything so I’ve just been dedicating my time and energy into sewing my fabric stash!
It’s not really doing anything to alleviate my art block per se, but I don’t feel like a lazy asshole just sitting around doing nothing waiting for my inspiration to come back. I am still being productive!”- @Magic_Circle
It’s a fantastic tip and it can really help. You don’t have to pressure yourself into creating something new and you don't have to feel guilty about not working on something. If you have the energy to work then do it! Sometimes you need to put down the pen and pick up some scissors to clear up and unblock your mind.
When we don't have that energy to pick up another task there is the second way to combat block. If you can't break free then take time to breathe. When we are stuck in the metaphorical mud of art block unable to wriggle ourselves out, our best option is to calm ourselves so we can mentally map out an escape. Sometimes you have to go take a stroll, read a book, or flip through apps on your phone. Rachel of Girly Pop Bows shared with me some of the ways she cuts through her art block in this aspect.
“Some of my personal rituals for “art block” are that I used to keep a binder (now I use a folder on my computer) of magazine clippings and just pictures, colors, textures and images that I like. Whenever I’m experiencing art block I flip through it to remind myself who I am and what I’m into. Usually it helps because it’s like a reflection of me and visuals that inspire me. If that doesn’t help, I look at my favorite art pieces by my favorite artists. Usually that alone helps me to get inspired, if not I resort to practice, and do a rendering of their artwork in my sketchbook. Because practice is art too, and I find that I learn so much from my favorite artists. And it helps me to still feel productive as an artist and that I didn’t waste time not doing art.” @Girlypopbows
Having a collection of things that inspire you can be a powerful tool but it can also remind you of who you are and what you enjoy. A lot of people use pinterest for this. Personally my go-to has been the Instagram saved collections you can make. This makes it easy to save posts straight from the creator so you can always credit your inspo. Taking the time to create resources for yourself will be beneficial (and it’s a great rainy day project). As an added tip- check out your favorite artists you follow and see if they have a Patreon that includes tutorials. It is a great way to support another artist, develop your skills, and draw inspiration from this practice.
Now to get even more real with you- sometimes none of this will work. It may happen that one day you fall into an art block that nothing seems to be able to help. That’s okay. Life throws us many obstacles, trials, and hardships, all of which can bury our creative side deep within. Let yourself heal! Never pressure yourself into creating something at the expense of your mental health and well-being. Our emotions are clouds so they linger; We can't change the weather so we have to let it pass. For me, this is one of the times I try and meditate. Meditation allows you to come face to face with the suffering and problems of your life in order to understand it and become free of its bondage. It’s not about forgetting the things that trouble you but to confront them. You can look far within yourself to identify why it is you feel such anger or immense sadness, to recognize it, be present with it, and then let it go. This is of course not limited to creativity and art block but can be something you do with any aspect of your life. It is what I personally do which is why I share it.
There are many ways to overcome art block. If none of these tips and advice from others seems to help, reach out to your own friends or circle of creatives. Sometimes just having a conversation with someone is enough to spark imagination. So don’t give up!
You got this and I have absolute belief in you!
~Spooky Dad~